June/July 2021 – Keep up your high energy level in the field of unity

Dear Reader,

Try not to worry in these chaotic and confusing times. In the meantime you have found a way to live with a positive mind and to block those influences you do not want in your life. Learn to think in energy instead of matter. It means that when you stay high energetically, negative influences will not touch you. Staying high in energy means to accept yourself, love yourself and to know that you are doing well because your intentions are good. If that is the case, every action is good, no matter the result, it is the intention that counts.
Your commitment to your life’s assignment is also important. If you do not yet know what that is, try to find it. The wish to do so is the key to your answers. These can reach you directly or via someone else.
Another piece of advice is that you should not be afraid to be infected, in whatever form. People are afraid whether they are injected or not. This fear lowers your frequency.
Try to see everyone as your brother or sister. This is not so much for the others as for yourself. When you feel that everyone and everything is one, a certain field opens before you. This is the great field of love, energy and information and it will bring you further. Hang on to the feeling of universal love, also for the person who has a different opinion than you. Even for the group of people who are responsible for this health crisis. They also are part of the greater whole. The more clear this becomes, the more often they are invited to see the other side. When you keep them separate from the feeling of unity, they are being confirmed in their evil deeds because they feel that there is no other way available. If they are being included constantly in the energy of unity, the possibility remains for them to see the light.
This is what I ask of you, dear readers. Always be connected in love with yourself and with Me. My love for you always remains, that is the eternal spark that Is.