September/October 2024 – Take up your own space and set your limits

“Dear Readers,
This is a good time to ask yourself: ‘Is my life the way I want it to be, or would I like to change some things regarding love, work, home or friends?’
The first thing you can do is to look at things from a different perspective and to manifest yourself as a free being. Do not feel hemmed in or pressured; go to the middle of the circle of your life and be there in freedom; be kind to yourself, others and the world. At the same time you must set your limits and display them in a friendly way. You are then creating some space for yourself in which you will feel that freedom. This space in your consciousness becomes larger and larger and increases your radiance. You are empowered in your force-field. People will see you more and more like you really are and it enables you to smoothly make those changes you want to in your life.
The second thing you can do is to speak out to us what you want.
If there are situations out of your control, try to take a little more distance and feel which responsibility is yours or the other person’s.
Do not feel overwhelmed, temporize by saying: I need a little more time to think this over, or something similar.
If things are OK, embrace and enjoy it. Then you are ready to receive My messages in peace. Reaching out to us here is always possible, but to have contact with My world on a regular basis requires energy, so you need to have a firm ground in inner peace.
I wish this for everyone, and certainly for you, my dear. All My blessings to you.”

August 2024 – You are always a Lightworker

“Dear Lightworkers,

For the future of mankind and the coming of the new transparent human race it is important that you remain hopeful and positive. A small group wil carry the large group; this small group will continue to be the motor of the Light. For you all it is difficult to understand that the replacement of the old human race for the new, transparent human does not mean that you will all die out. You will continue in a new form.
The dark elements need to disappear, they will not be a part of the new world and will go elsewhere. They will be partly transformed into light by the consciousness of the people who harbour them and who realise that they want to go the way of the light. That is another percentage that is added to the light world. Then there are those people who do not mind the dark at all, they will be lovingly assembled in another dimension.
So a certain percentage of lightworkers will always be there and they will take care that the light is transferred to the new forms of existence.
You may all count yourselves to these lightworkers, dear Readers and that is serious business! As a matter of fact you are all further in your spiritual development than most. However, you know all about responsibility, don’t you?: The further you are, the greater the duty to shine your light onto the people who do not yet have had the opportunity to see it. It does not mean that you have to convince them, but that you remain strong and certain, knowing that if there is someone about to see the light, you may give them that final little push toward it.
Lightworkership is a state of being; you are always a lightworker. It is namely also the way you live. Be positive about yourself, your situation and also about the situation of the world.  It could be that you are in difficult circumstances yourself, but still I ask you to keep looking with a positive eye. That is the best way for you, dearest Reader, we are always there for you personally. Your personality, not only your soul, is being supported and that helps your understandig of selflove, that you know you are being seen, understood and supported and that you know to have a responsibility towards yourself and the world. Do not let this responsibility get you down; it is an invitation, a joyous fulfillment of your tasks as a lightbeing, dearest Reader, we are standing with you.”

July 2024 – The light will conquer!

“My dearest Lightworkers,
By now you all will have heard what we here in the Light-world ask of you in answer to your question what you can do for the world. That is to love, accept and celebrate yourself! Celebrate the joy that you have chosen and have been chosen to live on earth in these times and that you contribute a positive note to the world’s stage. Darkness reigns in all sorts of places now, but this is temporary. A new light-powered movement has come into being and it is lead by people who say: “Darkness will never prevail, we are the light!“ This is what you may express every day, it will give you light. Your personal life continues, together with its trials and tribulations, but you have not been chosen for nothing, dear Reader, you can do this and you will emerge victorious. Everything will be all right in the coming years. Do what you have to do with joy and know that each of you is in direct contact with Me.
All My blessings for you.”

June 2024 – Keep on thinking positive

“Dear Reader,
Disharmony is everywhere, except in the highest parts of My heavens. It has a function, it is to show the soul its divinity and to show her the path to goodness. Disharmony has not been created by Me but is a result of the process of creation, it finds its source in the thoughts that are sent into the universe. These thoughts are creative and matter reacts to that. So if your thoughts are often negative or even evil, you will attract the same kind of energies. The reverse is also true: when you think positive, you attract positive energy. This is so important nowadays. If all of you think positive, you are creating a wave of positive energy that comes from outer space to earth. There are fields of light that float over the earth and are being attracted whenever there is a forceful enough impulse from earth. So that is why it is so important to keep on thinking positive. In the first place it is good for yourself but also for the world.
Learn to think in energy instead of matter. Everything is energy, dear Reader. It gives you the possibility to be in contact with everything. You are a powerstation of sending and receiving energy. It depends on your level what you attract; you connect with equivalent fields, the higher, the more beautiful.
I am always busy radiating the highest energies of love and light to all directions. My highest angels are helping Me with this process. Sometimes you can really feel this energy reaching you, you suddenly feel better or you will see everything in a more positive light again. Keep on trusting this process, for this will never end.”

May 2024 – Keep reaching out to the divine world

“Dear Lightbeings,

The world is changing ever faster as you have noticed. Organisations are becoming more and more rigid and kindness is sometimes hard to find. For you it is important to realise what it is to be human and that is: staying centered in your inner power and being kind. It is not always possible to send love as this will often not reach its target, but kindness does. Be attentive towards the other, try not to get drawn into the behaviour of others but stay rooted into your circle of light and gracefully move along with everyone you meet.
This will be a time of great upheaval so it is good to install small pleasures into your life. I keep saying this every month, dear readers, but I have to say this regularly: stay happy, only then you will sail through the rough waters. Keep on connecting with your relations, your friends, pets, plants and environment.
Keep on connecting with Me and My world as well, my dears. We have never been closer. It has never been so easy to reach out to us. Do this every day, it will make you feel better. Being in contact with Me is is being in touch with your highest self and more: it is the recalibration of your light-frequency. If you reach out regularly it is easier to remain on a high frequency. Do not do this for Me, My dearest child, do it for yourself. It makes me happy too of course, but you have to do this out of love for yourself, for your soul and your divine spirit. This is who you are, a multidimensional being.
Insights into your own life will come too. You will feel more and more clearly what is the meaning of your life and you will be able to focus on it.
In coming times I have to give it My all to oversee everything that is going to happen, but I always have time for you, dearest lightbeing, I am always here for you.”

April 2024 – Train your resilience by centering yourself

“Dear Reader,
In these times it is important to centre yourself. See life’s daily things in perspective, do not make them too big. I am not talking about the very difficult things like death and illness. It is the little things that occur daily that should not be made a big thing of. Live with endurance, resilience, a positive attitude and a sense of humour. You can train these qualities by knowing that you are good enough and that you have good intentions.
Additionally, if you are able to feel the love for yourself, others, Mother Earth and all her relations, you are well equipped on your life’s path. And, if possible, keep in touch with Me, dear Reader. I keep in touch with you every day, but it would be great if you could think about us here every now and then. You can always ask us for help, energy and other things, that is also a way to keep in contact.
Have you noticed that nowadays the government have come up with resolutions that the public did not know of or agree on? The only way to deal with this is to inform yourself and then leave it for the time being. There comes a time when you will need this information. For now it is important that you enhance your resilience and that you keep in contact with your loved ones, your network and your kindred spirits. Keep in mind that there is always time for doing nice, joyful things, dear Reader, that keeps your spirits high. All My blessings for you.”

March 2024 – We are now creating the new world

“Dear Reader,
Now is the time to tell you a few things about the new world. It will be even more beautiful than it is now and it will happen in a short while.
The big news is that mankind will change. Human beings will become transparent and are not able to tell lies anymore. The big money, greed and the greedy will be gone. Important detail is that the people of good intentions will be in charge. They live and let live and are one with Creation. The great plan of mankind will be known and will be followed. This plan is the same as that of Mother Earth and they will come together now.
Years are necessary to make this known. People have to know now so that they can focus on the coming paradise. This positive impulse is necessary to feel happiness again and to support the knowledge that you will all be witness to it. Every one of you with good intentions will be a part of this. You are now in the process of creating this new world. You will not be able to witness this paradisical state in your current body, but what you will experience is the revolution (literally) and it will be a great joy for you all to see the victory of what is good. You will all be present in the new paradise in your new bodies and will recognise each other from these days.

Small thoughts are incredibly important. Send out one positive thought and your day will be different. The world reacts to this with a higher frequency; Mother Earth feels every loving touch. Her existence will carry on in its present form.
Big problems are always necessary to engender change. Before the elements can be rearranged, they have to be brought back to their original order.

You are now part of these times of change. Keep on observing quietly what happens, do not panic, I am guiding you through it all. The interference of evil makes the process of change go slower. The frequency is kept low so that the evil may continue its influence. This will change in the coming years because I will speed up the process by pulling the moment into eternity. This cannot be explained any other way. Time is speeding up and the frequency enhanced. This will be noticeable in all areas of the universe. It wil then be easier to choose what is good and the light will be changed.

It is extremely important that you know all this because you will see proof of your positive actions in this life.
The big whole is with you, it is on your side.
Know that each of you is looked upon in love by Me.”

February 2024 – Insight into your own life means insight into the great whole

“Dear Readers,

The solution to earthly problems lies here in My heavens. So to find these solutions, you need to tune in to the divine. A great number of people are already able to do this and they will make known what needs to happen to make Mother Earth the paradise that it was meant to be. This process is already going on and do not despair that it will come too late. Try to give voice to your optimism every time, that way you are helping create the great field in which the solutions can come to fruition. You may be one of these people who every time can intuitively feel which way the world needs to go. It is never just one person who has all the solutions, it is all of you together, each in his own field. So it is not only for the world’s leaders to bring light, you are all here on earth for this purpose.
The great leaders of this earth are not the ones who are at the top now. A number of them is in jail and a fair few are not known to the greater public yet, but may of them are already busy preparing a new earth. It is up to you to contribute to this development by making your own life so beautiful that you will spend every day in joy, happiness, gratitude and love. Insight into your own life means insight into the great whole. Clarity comes on all levels then.
See the unity in everything, know that you are a part of that unity and that it is this greater whole that creates the new paradise on earth.
My blessings are with all of you, dear Readers.”

January 2024 – Keep believing in your own light

“Dear Readers,
You have entered a time in which you sometimes will not know who your friends are and who the ones are that do not wish you well. This happens often in the universe and is not a proof of My absence or of Me not existing. Terrible things happen on Earth and I know of them and I am guiding these processes by touching the soul of the ones involved. You are unable to oversee everything regarding My involvement in Earth’s happenings. Many of you doubt My presence because these atrocities can happen, but all this is part of the great whole and meanwhile your human development continues.
The person who chooses the good, will be enlightened by My touch. The person refusing the good, cannot bear this light so that this soul has to wait for another opportunity.
Keep on believing in your own light, my dearest child. Know that you are the one who can bear all of this and emerge triumphant. A new age is coming and you will be witness to this. Thanks to all of you these new times are coming. Thanks to you making a choice for yourself, for the light, for love and for Me.
Make the connection with Me every day and promise yourself to enjoy every day.
I give you My love, light and blessings back a hundredfold.”

Christmas Message 2023 – Gaze into a candle-flame

“Dear Reader,

It is My greatest wish to see you happy and I am doing all that is in My power to make this happen. In this Christmas time the light in your soul will be touched and its frequency enhanced. You will feel a moment of inner power without any reason from outside. Your inner voice will speak and your light body will increase. This gives you the courage and power to carry on.
In the coming days it is a good idea to gaze into the flame of a candle for a few minutes, dear Reader. It is very good and calming for your spirit and it connects both halves of the brain.
Drink something warm afterwards, this way the feeling of wellbeing remains.
Almost all of you want to save the world. By gazing into the flame and wishing the entire world all that is good, you are contributing your light to the great Light of My blessing.
I love you dearly, My lovely Reader, walk on in My Light.”

November-December 2023 – Find your inner happiness

Dear Reader,

Give yourself the strength that you wish to give to others. In these times it is important to stay strong. You do this by taking your thoughts to the core of peace and harmony that everyone possesses. Often you are flung out of this core and taken to places of despair, discord, misery and confusion. Go back every time to that place of healing, the warmth in yourself. You can do this by establishing a point of focus within yourself, a symbol of light. This can be an beautiful landscape, a sparkling diamond or a picture of an angel. Something that makes you happy. This symbol brings you back to your centre whenever you think about it. Keep on kindling this flame. Your light stays on whatever happens, but you have to keep yourself warm. Your energy level stays high if you do not go out of yourself but stay centered.
Make sure that you have something to look forward to every week. That can be something small: a cup of tea with a friend or a short trip to somewhere. In this way you can stay tuned to the happiness of your soul.
I see each of you personally. Know that we are helping you, no matter how dark the world looks. Help is always near. We ask you to call on us whenever you need help. You don’t need to do it on your own and for us it is no trouble. So, lovely Lightbeing, enter this wintertime with a warm heart and a radiant love for yourself and everything around you. Blessings are upon you.”

October 2023 – Tune in to your essential frequency

“Dear Reader,

It is now time for you to tune in to your essential frequency. This frequency resonates in harmony with Mother Earth. To do this, you go outside and stand as close to your home as possible, or to your place of birth. Inner peace is required and to get this you may accept the fact that you are doing well in your life. Even if you have done bad things, you still have done okay. Also look at the people you have made happy, even if you have only smiled at a passer-by. Try to reach and fixate this feeling of peace and harmony into your heart. Know that I love you and that we are forever connected.
This is the way you are standing now. You are able to connect yourself to My frequency because the essential frequency of Earth is My frequency, dear Reader. Everything resonates with one another and whenever you feel this resonance, you will be happy. You sometimes say: I am not quite in tune with this or that, or: I’m not on the right frequency today. That is exactly what it is and it all has to do with selflove. When that feeling returns, you will connect again with the universe, into that huge field of unity in which everything is possible. Practise this, dear Reader, go outside, stand there and try to feel the vibration of Mother Earth and absorb it into your entire body.”

September 2023 – See happiness in everything

“The development of the universe is the first priority of My realms. Take this term literally, dear Reader; it is the reverse process of incarnation to the original state of being. It is an enormous way of enlightenment throughout the whole universe.

My intention is that every sentient being and every piece of matter may exist in great happiness and that all negative influences brought on by the process of incarnation will be neutralised. I am helping this to unfold, but you, being a part of Me, are also involved in this. All sentient beings are helping to enlighten all of Creation, inviting Paradise back on earth.

See yourself as co-Creator, dear Reader, starting with your own life. If you can feel happiness in your life, you are creating and causing this happiness to expand. Do not linger on the past, look towards your own future. Tell us what you really want and do at least one thing that contributes to your wishes, every day.

Your happiness is the key to the world’s happiness. I need not tell you that this does not work when you want to take unlimited wealth unto you. What you shall receive is unlimited energy.

Now I stand in your world with new ideas to turn the tide of darkness. Happiness will guide you through these coming tides. Try to see joy in everything; in your daily routine, your meals, your cup of tea and in your pleasure to help others. Small acts have great consequences. You do not need to do anything big to save the world, dear Reader, a glance full of love is enough.”

August 2023 – Come into your soul consciousness

“Dear all,

Summer is coming to its end and you are preparing yourself for day-to-day life. Do not let yourself be discouraged by the information given to you by the government. Use the power that you have built up this summer and know that when you take a moment for yourself, you will be invincible. That moment of peace is important to regroup, to return to your soul who is directly connected to Me and to Truth.
What I would like to give you now is an exercise to instantly return to your soul consciousness.


Go with your thoughts to a beautiful picture of an angel, or a natural landscape where you would like to stay forever. Breathe in this picture, so that it is anchored in your being. Place yourself then into that landscape or in front of that angel who looks at you with love. Create an interaction with that beautiful image.

Then call upon your soul and mentally say to yourself: ‘I am now connecting myself to my soul and I ask her to speak.’


By doing this you create the stage for your soul to let the truth come through. Do not expect an immediate answer, if it comes, so much the better.

This is a way to reach your higher consciousness. Practice this and feel the difference. Insight about your true being will emerge.

I am always with you, feel the combined force of us both. You are so much more than you think you are.

All My blessings for you, dearest one.”

July 2023 – Help to change the powers that be

“Dear Reader,

I have created the universe according to certain laws and these remain in operation. I am going to bring change however to the way in which these laws are executed by mankind.
The beautiful results of these laws have not been realised yet because mankind keeps going round in circles and that is the wheel of matter.
The big laws of the universe have to take place the way they should: to restore the happiness for every being on earth. This wish is shared by many of you, but the people in powerful positions have other priorities. This is going to change in a very special way.
I am helping these people to change their point of view. If they do not want to change, they will become a victim of the changes that are going to happen anyway.
So if you want to help, send out the wish  into the world that they will change their minds. This is the simplest way. If they do not want to change (and a certain percentage will refuse to change), they will fall down and that is a certainty.
Keep these words in mind for a later moment when things get difficult.
A great solution will come and every one of you is contributing to this by your positive, loving thoughts and deeds.”

June 2023 – Your state of consciousness determines your point of view

“Dear Reader,

Where everything is going right, it is saying something about the energetic state of the person in question. Stated otherwise: if you are in harmony with the universe, everyting goes right. You experience this when you are feeling completely in tune with everything; it feels as if the world is another place. In a way this is true because you are in another state of consciousness. It is the perception that decides whether something goes right or not. Now you will say: there are things that happen to us that are not okay. That is true. And still it is so that when you enter a higher state of consciousness, the division between good and evil will change. There is still good and evil, but you will encounter is differently: you will see it not from the bottom up but from the top down. These are very complex things to understand, especially now you are all living in these turbulent times but it is something to remember for a later time.

The same goes for judging others. Know that every human being has to go the same path and that is that from ignorance to unity with everything. It does not matter where someone stands on that path. See your fellow man as a travelling companion on a path that you have chosen yourselves. With one person it is an easier journey than with the other, but still you are helping one another, each in his own way.

Do not give up, wonderful things are going to happen and keep believing this, dear reader. Keep your faith also in Me and My realms, for our presence is a certainty that will never change. All My blessings to you.”

May 2023 – Every thought is a creation

“Dear Reader,

See all the work you have done on yourself in the past as pure gain. I mean that every positive thought about yourself, others, the world and life contributes towards the great sparkling field of light that encompasses and permeates the earth.
Do not worry too much about the future but live consciously. Allow yourself to enjoy to the fullest that which you have been given. Live in joy, dear Reader, regardless what happens in your life. Try to live energetically, realising that every thought is a creation. What do you wish to create in your life?
Do not be afraid of the few dark thoughs that you sometimes have. Keep on looking at yourself in love and say Stop! And start to think in another direction. Do not put yourself down because of it. Create an image for yourself that makes you happy. This could be a holiday memory, a beautiful landscape of an image of an angel. When you feel yourself getting sombre, recall this image, it will be your handle to grasp, bringing you back to your high energy level. This is mind-training, dear Reader, everyone has to become conscious of the power to shape his life by his own thoughts. If you do this for a couple of months, you will become much more positive and stand firmer in life. Your world will approach Mine and when these to come together, you will see Pardise emerge on earth.”

March-April 2023 – Let your soul speak

“Dear stewards of the Light,

What I would like to tell you about today is the essence of enlightenment. That is the acknowledgement of your own divinity. It is very important that you are all going to see what a huge part the light plays in your soul. Most people hide their soul and let her prompt the personality from the background. The soul should take centre stage and speak freely. The personality may of course join her, but the soul should be able to speak first.
Focus your thoughts on your soul and say: ‘May I invite you to speak today onto the stage of my life?’ Your soul will always answer positively and with joy.
You will notice a great difference in the way your day passes. You will walk much lighter and events will string together in a logical fashion so that you will think: ‘Wait a minute, I had a plan, I did it and it all goes perfectly! One thing follows the other and now I know exactly what to do.”
You will feel like a surfer on a wave which carries you onwards.
To allow the light inside yourself you don’t need to do a lot. Your consciousness needs to take the first step to really want this. Your will comes in here, dear children; you have to want for the soul to speak and when you have experienced this a few times, you are keen to carry on. Then life is beautiful and you go on so well that you don’t want to miss this feeling. This is the most important step in these times and I would like to take it now together with you all.
All my blessings and love for you, dear children.”

February 2023 – Think on a high-energetic level

“Dear Reader

It is time for you to keep your energy level permanently high. You can do this by protecting you aura by visualising a beautiful colour or a golden, silver or diamond coating. Every time you experience something negative, think of that protective layer and let it bounce off. You can let the information through and learn from it, but the negative emotion stays outside. This way you will stay centered.

How did you wake up this morning? With a joyful feeling, or with the remnants of a bad dream, or were you jolted awake? Monitor this every morning and say: ‘I give thanks to Life that I may be here and we are going to make this a lovely day.” Then you step out of bed with this positive attitude. This seems simple advice, but it makes you stand firmly on the earth without being blown hither and thither.

It is important to get used to thinking more on a high-energetical level. On this level you can permanently reach out to My world. Keep in the back of your mind that you are always connected to My world, your true home. Know that there is always a small active part of you receiving information from these high sources. So do not think that you are not one of these people who receive high information, every person does this every day. The question is however: How conscious are you of this and what do you do with it?

This is the basic training for the new Mankind, dear Reader, and you are one of the first of these.

All blessings from Me to you.“

New Year’s Message from Above 2023 – You are the one who makes the Light return

“Dear Reader,

Let Me begin with wishing you all a blessed 2023 and with the promise of My guidance in everything you do.
In life there are some periods in which you do not know how to proceed. This is one of these periods. Know that this is exactly the right moment to transform this uncertainty in faith, in knowing that you are everything that you need to be right now to enjoy a glorious future. This glorious future lies in each day when you get up in the morning. Great things can only be done in realising this.
Courage and faith go hand in hand, dear Reader and I give you these now in both hands. Man is infinitely more than he seems to be now. Take a moment and try to touch these uncharted territories within you. Ask for a door to be opened and you will step into the treasure chamber of your consciousness and who knows what fantastic things you will experience there. Sit down, take a quarter of an hour and focus on your heart. Then ask the above mentioned question and wait quietly. Your intention guides the meditation. Give yourself time every day for this exercise coming month and you will see your consciousness and horizon broadening.
Enjoy the return of the light on earth, dear Reader, you are the one creating it.”


December 2022 – I wish you happiness

“Dear Reader,

Your great challenge nowadays is to stay happy in these chaotic times. It has never been  the plan to let Creation suffer, to put humanity down, to bring the great whole in all its diversity in danger. It has always been My plan to make Creation blissful.
I will now allow you a glimpse in My kitchen and that is not for a new Chrismas recipe but to show you who I really Am and that is the highest energy in the universe and the greatest source of love there Is. You all are a part of this. Imagine Me as a Being that is so unbelievably large, loving, light and beautiful that it is almost impossible to conceive. The joy one experciences on seeing Me will never disappear.
You can take an advance on this joy and that is being happy with yourself and with the fact that you are here now and are a great source of light yourself. The joy of being on Earth is generated mostly from the soul’s realisation that this is a temporary stay and that you will go back to your true state of radiant happiness and higher consciousness. So try to enjoy this time as much as possible, even in difficult times. It is all temporary anyway. Here on earth you get the chance to enrich yourself greatly with experience and growing knowledge of who you really are. There is no greater joy than when you come back here to hear that you have done a great job.
Do not complain too much about life, dear Reader. I know, it is perhaps not exactly as you wanted it to be, but you are the one who chooses the things in life that fit you and make you happy.
Make your highest choices; the great good of love for yourself and for others, be it human, animal, vegetable or mineral, is the highest choice you can make. That means generating loving thoughts and creating your life in such a way that you use the earth’s sources with a conscience.
Enjoy and celebrate this Christmas, the light within you, in your loved ones and in Creation.
Dearest Reader, know that my love for you is so great, you have no idea. I wish you all that is beautiful in these times.
Your dearest God has spoken.”

November 2022 – Every act of love counts

“Dear Reader,

Everything will change on earth in due course and you will all be able to catch a glimpse of the world as it should be; where all living beings are living together in harmony and joy. Your presence on earth now is of crucial importance to the realisation of this beautiful world, for you are the ones that create it and every act of love counts. By the time that this world comes into being, you will all be here or you choose to incarnate again to experience this beauty for yourselves. You will all be given a place at the front of the queue, my dears.
Every one of you needs to remember this earthly task now. For many it will be difficult to struggle for something knowing you will not be able to see its results in this life, but everyone has chosen this life in full realisation of this fact.
It does not mean that there will not be any beautiful things happening in your life, dear Reader, you are more than welcome to enjoy these to the fullest.
Thanks to you all will be well and we are with you in this important task. Follow your life’s assignment in joy and know that you are not alone in this.”

September 2022 – Ascension

“Dear Reader,

I would like to give you a little introduction to ascension: reaching towards a higher consciousness. Know that all of you are doing this, whether you know it or not. It is a prerequisite of creation, all matter is subject to ascension. In a life of growth there are always things that have to be resolved. Man weighs, considers and chooses and that is precisely how it should be. Know that in fact you always make the right choice because you cannot do otherwise. There is one condition and that is: do you choose  light or do you choose dark? You cannot always see this straight away and that is where intuition comes in. Everyone has it; does something feel good or not good?
My advice to you is therefore: listen to your intuition. You need a quiet place for that.  If you are not sure, wait a while. Go on with your life quietly and make your choices. It is important to put yourself first and enlighten yourself. Then you start radiating and  contributing to the world. Every good thought you think makes a difference and makes sure that the great happiness is coming closer. It really is already there, dear Reader, in your life as well. Even if you are in trouble, know that your day is blessed, because it is and you are, too.“


July – August 2022 – Inner power is the key to inner peace

“Dear all,

Great changes are happening in the world and in your life. Do not be afraid of the dark forces that are coming ever closer. Nothing can happen to you when you know that you are connected to Me. Make a small daily ritual of inviting all the good powers and ask for their sacred energy to permeate your house, grounds and everything in it. It is essential that you keep believing that the positive powers will triumph. Even if dark forces are knocking on your door, your space is light. Evil will disappear when you shine light on it. You are asked to show your courage and to keep standing and believing in your own goodness.

Beautiful things are happening too. People who connect and form circles of light, people who know their own greatness and use this for the good of mankind. The heroes of mankind are in you all, look for him inside yourself. Inner power is the key to inner peace.”


June 2022 – Every positive thought counts

“Dear Reader,

Crystal clear messages will be coming to you in different ways; be on the alert for them. New times and a great shift are approaching. Your insight is growing and you will feel the new vibrations coming to you from the future. My hand in your world is becoming visible, inner processes of change see the light of day and you are coming ever closer to the resting point of balance. You know this when you see the greater picture and you are standing firm in your life. Take care of yourself in the coming months, dear Reader, take a rest when you are tired and go do somenthing important when you have plenty of energy. The new circumstances will take you out of your comfort zone, but this means you are growing.
The coming times are decisive for the future of mankind. Your decision to remain true to yourself and to do what you think is best for yourself and the environment contributes to the wave of happiness that inundates the earth when she is saved by the great good.
The earth is at the point of tilting and every good thought to her adds to her salvation. Your gratitude and good care to her environment are crucial. It is the small gestures that count: picking up a plastic bag from the street, helping an elderly person to their feet when they have fallen, or a friendly word to an animal when it crosses your path.
Try to make such a gesture every day, dear Reader, the outcome will be enormous. If you are not able to do this, send a loving thought to the earth, your fellow man, an animal or plant. Everything counts and adds to the chalice of light.”

May 2022 – Keep up your energy

“Dear Reader,

Insight into the world’s situation is starting to seep through with many people. Most of you who are reading this, already have these insights and you are starting to get worried about the threatening situation. The best way in which you will be able to do something about it is to stay in balance, physically and mentally. By staying calm you will keep seeing the greater picture. Your greatest asset is your soul’s consciousness. Go there every day, you do this by tuning in to your highest self and to Me. Keep thinking at this high level. If you find this difficult, ask yourself: What would Jesus do? Train yourself to maintain this high level of consciousness, do not become swallowed by fear, despair and doubt but stand there, radiating like the god or goddess of Light that you are. You have the responsibility to unveil your own light and to let it shine. Know that this is a joyful process. The higher you get, the more beautiful life is.
Keep standing firm physically as well. Below you will find a quick and simple exercise to do in the morning to open your energy system and to be fully receptive to My light.”

God’s exercise
Keep up your energy

Go outside and inhale the fresh air.

1 Stretch out your arms above you with palms together.
Make a circle with both arms, 7x to the right and 7x to the left. Feel your vertebrae being realigned.

2 Open your palms  and receive My love and light, cascading over you like a waterfall.
Then lower your arms.

3 Stretch your left leg in front of you and let your foot circle 7x to the left and 7x to the right.
Do the same with your right leg.

4 Look up and stretch backwards as far as you can. You may put your arms akimbo or on your back. Receive the sunlight lovingly.

5 Put your arms akimbo and rotate your hips 7x to the left and 7x to the right.

6 Bring your palms together and towards your chest in the Namasté position. Be grateful for everything and open your energy channel (Sushumna) to Me. This way it is connected to me and to Earth. Enjoy your day in peace.

April 2022 – Freedom is a right, not a gift

“Dear Reader,

Your energy is increasing again due to the apparent freedom these days. The big danger however seems invisible and that is the gradual, destructive influence of habit. You see your recent freedom as a feast, while it should be just seen as your right of existence. Keep your thoughts on the time before these developments and remember how you felt then. Freedom is a right, not a gift.
The best thing you can do now is to enjoy this apparent freedom, but start making plans in the back of your mind to keep this freedom and let it continue in times of restrictions and lockdown. You can do that by organising small groups and meeting other groups so you can exchange information.
Everyone likes to know for how long this situation will continue. Dear Reader, I cannot tell you that yet, but think of some months in crisis and some years in total. That is from this moment on. You should get through these times in relative peace but with ever invasive regulations. Know that you do not need to comply with everything without needing to stick your head out.
Our crystal clear energy keeps raining down on you, this helps people to keep their courage.
Big changes will come this year, but go one step at a time. Preparation is everything and because of that you will go through this period so much better than when you don’t want to know anything and you do not inform yourself about everything outside the established media. Prepare for a time in which people’s rights will be curtailed and the individual will be forced to comply with the new laws. This only seems so because you can always dodge this. Hold on to this thought, dear Reader, and you will stand strong with like-minded others.”

March 2022 – Be Happy with God

“Dear Readers,

You have stopped putting faith in your leaders, but you will have to remain under their rule for a while longer. The times of insight have come and this gives you doubts about everything. Learn to live with these doubts because more is going to happen in world politics.

As a citizen you cannot do much now, the die has been cast. Know however that you have all the power to shape your own life and in doing that you still influence the world stage. Hang on to your values and keep your eyes onto your own holy circle. This circle contains your soul, body and spirit, your loved ones and your possessions, like your house and other necessities. Take care of the things in your circle and help others care for theirs.
Small-scale living is the form of the future and this is a time of training for you to establish a firm basis together with a view to My worlds. This connection is the key to the future, dear Reader. Today’s leaders do not yet realise that every person is directly connected to Me and that this combination is invincible.

Your task for these coming months is to be happy with Me, dear Reader. I am very happy with You and I am returning this happiness to you in hundredfold.”

February 2022 – Stand your ground and think light

“Dear Reader,

In all parts of the world a war is going on. War is an armed conflict. See the threat of war in Ukraine as a follow-up of this. The steps that Putin has taken are necessary for the balance on the stage of the world. It sounds strange but you will understand in time. More threats are coming; why I say this to you is so that you can prepare yourself and not panic or lose your positive attitude.

See everything as a chain of events to shake loose all the evil in the world. Keep up your eagle’s eye, dear reader and do not forget your own rôle in this. Keep on doing wha you think is right, connecting, giving love to others and the world around you, to nature and especially to yourself. Now is the time to put your spiritual training in practice and stand for it.

This is your moment to stand up and to keep on standing. You, who are reading this now, are the forerunners on the energetic stage. Keep yourself connected to that energy of light and then connect with each other on that fantastic field of light that hovers over the earth. This field will later on put an end to all battles. Keep this field in your daily consciousness, it is more important than your job.

Your world leaders are in a very difficult position and need light energy and wisdom, dear reader, so send this to them in your meditations.

Do not forget to enjoy these times as well, joy and laughter are the opposite of war. Beautiful times are coming and you will certainly be a part of this.

Giving you all my blessings and love.”

January 2022 – Create your own future and stand by it

“Dear Reader,

Difficult times are not yet over, but your inner knowledge grows daily. Keep looking at the situation from a distance. What are the lines the politicians want you to follow and what are your own lines? Which way do you want to go? Connect with people who choose the same path as you and meet regularly to share your experiences. Take care not to sit in your house without friends, acquaintances or kindred spirits. The challenge is yours now to reach out to others and to choose your line of direction consciously.
Know that the world will be OK. Try to express your wishes for the world every day by a short prayer or ritual. That way you are connecting the great field of wisdom here with the material world. The more connection there is, the quicker the change.
Look at this time also as a great step forwards for yourself. You are the one who needs to stand powerfully now and who speaks up for what you think and wish. This way you are moulding your future and you are doing this together with people of the same mind.
Do not be afraid of what may happen when you voice your opinion, just do it and you will see that this empowers you. You are creating a possibility for the future, you are opening a door through which others may go. It will give you good energy, dear Reader, and it will strengthen you for the coming times.
Do not forget that we are at work here for your happiness and we are bringing you light in dark times”