November-December 2023 – Find your inner happiness

Dear Reader,

Give yourself the strength that you wish to give to others. In these times it is important to stay strong. You do this by taking your thoughts to the core of peace and harmony that everyone possesses. Often you are flung out of this core and taken to places of despair, discord, misery and confusion. Go back every time to that place of healing, the warmth in yourself. You can do this by establishing a point of focus within yourself, a symbol of light. This can be an beautiful landscape, a sparkling diamond or a picture of an angel. Something that makes you happy. This symbol brings you back to your centre whenever you think about it. Keep on kindling this flame. Your light stays on whatever happens, but you have to keep yourself warm. Your energy level stays high if you do not go out of yourself but stay centered.
Make sure that you have something to look forward to every week. That can be something small: a cup of tea with a friend or a short trip to somewhere. In this way you can stay tuned to the happiness of your soul.
I see each of you personally. Know that we are helping you, no matter how dark the world looks. Help is always near. We ask you to call on us whenever you need help. You don’t need to do it on your own and for us it is no trouble. So, lovely Lightbeing, enter this wintertime with a warm heart and a radiant love for yourself and everything around you. Blessings are upon you.”