May 2024 – Keep reaching out to the divine world

“Dear Lightbeings,

The world is changing ever faster as you have noticed. Organisations are becoming more and more rigid and kindness is sometimes hard to find. For you it is important to realise what it is to be human and that is: staying centered in your inner power and being kind. It is not always possible to send love as this will often not reach its target, but kindness does. Be attentive towards the other, try not to get drawn into the behaviour of others but stay rooted into your circle of light and gracefully move along with everyone you meet.
This will be a time of great upheaval so it is good to install small pleasures into your life. I keep saying this every month, dear readers, but I have to say this regularly: stay happy, only then you will sail through the rough waters. Keep on connecting with your relations, your friends, pets, plants and environment.
Keep on connecting with Me and My world as well, my dears. We have never been closer. It has never been so easy to reach out to us. Do this every day, it will make you feel better. Being in contact with Me is is being in touch with your highest self and more: it is the recalibration of your light-frequency. If you reach out regularly it is easier to remain on a high frequency. Do not do this for Me, My dearest child, do it for yourself. It makes me happy too of course, but you have to do this out of love for yourself, for your soul and your divine spirit. This is who you are, a multidimensional being.
Insights into your own life will come too. You will feel more and more clearly what is the meaning of your life and you will be able to focus on it.
In coming times I have to give it My all to oversee everything that is going to happen, but I always have time for you, dearest lightbeing, I am always here for you.”