May 2016 What are your goals for coming summer?

Dear reader,

Now is a good time to look at your plans for the summer: In what way would you like to grow this time? What kind of qualities would you like to cultivate? Do you want to develop the power in yourself; would you like to go with the flow of life or perhaps to let go of old patterns? What about carefree enjoyment? All these things are possible if you accept the new energy that comes up every spring. Let go of your old insecurity and negative patterns. If that is difficult, write them on your yearly calendar in the month of January and then cross it out firmly. In the month of May you write all sorts of nice things, like discovering the light in yourself; empowering yourself and bringing out the sun in other people’s eyes. Thus the calendar becomes an instrument that reminds you of your dreams and goals. When you are busy, try to keep your thoughts focused on what you are doing. When your attention drifts, try to drift positively. When it is something negative, put it in the past. Now is also a good time to cleanse yourself and your house of all the energies that have accumulated during winter.
Difficult times are upon the world, but that does not mean that this will overshadow your life . You can use this knowledge to arrange your life in a way that you can surround yourself and others with positive energy. Everyone doing this will create a beautiful network.
Be flexible in the flow of life while keeping an eye on your goals.
